- Abbassi, M.R., IIEES, Iran
- Aghakouchak, A.A., Tarbiat Modares University, Iran
- Ahmadi, G., Clarkson University, USA
- Ahmadi, M.T., Tarbiat Modares University, Iran
- Alexander, D., Florence University, Italy
- Ambraseys, N.N., Imperial College of Science and Tech., UK
- Amini Hosseini, K., IIEES, Iran
- Anvar, A., Shiraz University, Iran
- Arya, A.S., University of Roorkee, India
- Askari, F. IIEES, Iran
- Bard, P.Y., LDG Interne Et Tectonophysique, France
- Bayer, R., DST University, France
- Baziar, M.H., University of Science and Tech., Iran
- Bellier, O., Universite Paul Cezane, France
- Bergman, E.A., University of Colorado, USA
- Bertero, V., University of California, Berkeley, USA
- Bonin, J., University of Strasbourg, France
- Bormann, P., GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Germany
- Bouchon, M., Grenoble University, France
- Chen, Y.T., Inst. of Geophy., China EQ. Adm. Bureau, China
- Cotton, F., Lab. De Geophy. Interne Et Tectonophysique, France
- Danesh, F., Khaje-Nasir Toosi University, Iran
- Davis, I., Cranfield University, UK
- Davoodi, M., IIEES, Iran
- Engdahl, B., IASPEI, USA
- Erdik, M., Bogazici University, Turkey
- Eshghi, S., IIEES, Iran
- Eslami, A.A., IIEES, Iran
- Esteva, L., Instituto De Engenieria UNAM, Mexico
- Fajfar, P., Univerza V Ljubljani, Slovenija
- Fatemi Aghda, S.M., Tarbiat Moallem University, Iran
- Gatmiri, B., University of Tehran, Iran
- Ghahramani, A., Shiraz University, Iran
- Ghayamghamian, M.R., IIEES, Iran
- Gheitanchi, M.R., Inst. of Geophysics, Iran
- Ghobarah, A., McMaster University, Canada
- Ghoreishi, M., Geological Survey, Iran
- Gupta, V.K., IIT, India
- Hamzehloo, H., IIEES, Iran
- Hatzfeld, D., Lab. De Geophy. Interne Et Tectonophysique, France
- Hays, W.W., U.S. Geological Survey, USA
- Haeri, M., Sharif University, Iran
- Hessami Azar, Kh., IIEES, Iran
- Hinderer, J., Strasbourg University, France
- Hori, M., ERI, The University of Tokyo, Japan
- Hosseini, M., IIEES, Iran
- Hosseini, M., TDMMO, Iran
- Jafari, M.K., IIEES, Iran
- Jangid, R.S., Indian Inst. of Tech., India
- Javan Dolloei, Gh., IIEES, Iran
- Kameda, H., Kyoto University, Japan
- Kayal, J.R., Geological Survey of India, India
- Kijko, A., Geological Survey, South Africa
- Komakpanah, A., Tarbiat Modares University, Iran
- Kusky, T., St. Louis Univ., USA
- Liam Finn, W.D., The University of British Columbia, Canada
- Mahdavifar, M.R., IIEES, Iran
- Maheri, M.R., Shiraz University, Iran
- Mansouri, B., IIEES, Iran
- Manzari, N.T., The George Washington Univ., USA
- Meguro, K., The University of Tokyo, Japan
- Memarian, H., Tehran University, Iran
- Mirhosseini, S.M., Amir Kabir University, Iran
- Miyata, T., Kobe University, Japan
- Moghaddam, H.A., Sharif University of Technology, Iran
- Morikawa, H., Kobe University, Japan
- Mostafazadeh, M., IIEES, Iran
- Naeim, F., John A. Martin & Associates, Inc., USA
- Nateghi-A., F., IIEES, Iran
- Nigg, J.M., University of Delaware, USA
- Panza, G.F., ICTP and University of Trieste, Italy
- Pourkermani, M., Shahid Beheshti Univ., Iran
- Rahimzadeh Rofooei, F., Sharif University, Iran
- Romanelli, F., University of Trieste, Italy
- Saatcioglu, M., University of Ottawa, Canada
- Shafiee, A., IIEES, Iran
- Shakib, H., Tarbiat Modares University, Iran
- Tanaka, Y., Kobe University, Japan
- Tasnimi, A.A., IIEES and Tarbiat Modares University, Iran
- Tehranizadeh, M., Amir Kabir University, Iran
- Villaverde, R., University of California, Irvine, USA
- Wu, Z., Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- Zare, M., IIEES, Iran
- Zhu, Ch., Secretary-General, Chinese Nat. Com. for IUGG, China
- Ziyaeifar, M., IIEES, Iran
/در مجله JSEE /توسط adminEditors
Editorial Board Committee
Editorial Advisory Board:
Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering is a quarterly journal that provides a forum for the publication of original papers in five general areas of Structural Earthquake Engineering, Seismology, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Seismotectonics, and Risk Management. The editor’s policy is to include at least one paper on each of the aforementioned topics as well as providing a balance between theoretic and design oriented contributions in each journal issue.
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