A. Ansari, A. Noorzad, “A New Method for Calculation of Fuzzy Response Spectra of Earthquake Motion in Lowlands”, Lowland Technology International, Vol6, No. 1, June 2004.
A. Ansari, A. Noorzad,”Application of Fuzzy Logic in Nonlinear Seismic Analysis of Structures”, 12th European Conference on earthquake Engineering, London, Britain, 2001
“A. Ansari, A. Noorzad, M. Mortazav “Calculation Of Probabilistic Fuzzy Response Spectra Of Earthquake”, 13th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, Aug. 2004.
Litrature Review of Seismic Hazard Anlysis, Ministry of Power, Research and Development Dept. June 2004.
Zafarani, H., Noorzad, A., Ansari A., 2005. “Generation of near-fault response spectrum for a large dam in Iran”. Hydropower and Dams 12, Issue 4, 51-55.
Strong Motion Analysis of December 25th Bam Earthquake, Faculty of Engineering, University Of Tehran Press.
A. Ansar, A. Noorzad, M. Zare, “Application of wavelet multi-resolution analysis for correction of seismic acceleration records”,J. Geophys. Eng. 4 (2007) 362-377.
M. Mousavi, H. Zafarani, A. Noorzad, A. Ansari, K. Bargi,” Analysis of Iranian strong-motion data using the specific barrier model”, J. Geophys. Eng. 4 (2007) 415-428
H. Zafarani_, M. Mousavi, As. Noorzad, A. Ansari, “Calibration of the specific barrier model to Iranian plateau earthquakes and development of physically based attenuation relationships for Iran”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, (2008) 28, 550-576.
M. J. Abedini, M. Nasseri, A. Ansari, “Cluster-based ordinary kriging of piezometric head in West Texas/New Mexico-Testing of Hypothesis”, J. Hydrology, accepted for publication.
A. Ansari, A. Noorzad, H. Zaferani, “Clustering Analysis of the Seismic Catalog of Iran”, Computers and Geosciences, (2009) 35(2) 403-408.
Zafarani, H., Noorzad, A., Bargi, KH., َAnsari, A. “Recursive evaluation of time convolution integrals in the spectral boundary integral method for mode III dynamic fracture problems” Computer and Geosciences,(2009) 35, 403-408.
Zafarani, H., Noorzad, A., Ansari, A., Bargi, KH., “Stochastic modeling of Iranian earthquakes and estimation of ground motion for future earthquakes in Greater Tehran”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 29 (2009) 722-741
انوشیروان انصاری
/در مرکز ملی شبکه لرزه نگاری باندپهن ایران /توسط adminانوشیروان انصاری
سمت: استادیار
نشانی الکترونیک: a.ansari@iiees.ac.ir
تلفن: +۹۸ ۲۱ ۲۲۸۳ ۱۱۱۶-۱۹
دورنگار: +۹۸ ۲۱ ۲۲۲۹ ۹۴۷۹
شروع همکاری با پژوهشگاه: ۱۳۸۷
برگزیده آثار
سوابق مهندسی-مشاورهای/اجرایی
فعالیتهای پژوهشی/آموزشی و عضویتها
عنوان رساله:” ارائه روش نوین جهت پردازش داده های لرزه ای به منظور استفاده در حل معکوس زلزله”
عنوان پایان نامه:” تهیه طیف فازی زلزله”
فعالیتهای پژوهشی/آموزشی و عضویتها
سوابق مهندسی-مشاورهای/اجرایی
برگزیده آثار منتشره
” مدلسازی عدم قطعیتهای موجود در تحلیل خطر زلزله به کمک ریاضیات فازی”، دهمین کنفرانس ژئوفیزیک ایران، تهران ،ایران، ۱۳۷۸
سروشیان، سیاوش- فرجودی، جمشید- انصاری، انوشیروان، “بررسی اثر تصحیح شتابنگاشتها با استفاده از تبدیلهای مختلف نوفه زدایی موجک بر طیف بازتاب غیرخطی”، سومین همایش مقابله با سوانح طبیعی، دانشگاه تهران
A. Ansari, A. Noorzad, “A New Method for Calculation of Fuzzy Response Spectra of Earthquake Motion in Lowlands”, Lowland Technology International, Vol6, No. 1, June 2004.
A. Ansari, A. Noorzad,”Application of Fuzzy Logic in Nonlinear Seismic Analysis of Structures”, 12th European Conference on earthquake Engineering, London, Britain, 2001
“A. Ansari, A. Noorzad, M. Mortazav “Calculation Of Probabilistic Fuzzy Response Spectra Of Earthquake”, 13th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, Aug. 2004.
Litrature Review of Seismic Hazard Anlysis, Ministry of Power, Research and Development Dept. June 2004.
Zafarani, H., Noorzad, A., Ansari A., 2005. “Generation of near-fault response spectrum for a large dam in Iran”. Hydropower and Dams 12, Issue 4, 51-55.
Strong Motion Analysis of December 25th Bam Earthquake, Faculty of Engineering, University Of Tehran Press.
A. Ansar, A. Noorzad, M. Zare, “Application of wavelet multi-resolution analysis for correction of seismic acceleration records”,J. Geophys. Eng. 4 (2007) 362-377.
M. Mousavi, H. Zafarani, A. Noorzad, A. Ansari, K. Bargi,” Analysis of Iranian strong-motion data using the specific barrier model”, J. Geophys. Eng. 4 (2007) 415-428
H. Zafarani_, M. Mousavi, As. Noorzad, A. Ansari, “Calibration of the specific barrier model to Iranian plateau earthquakes and development of physically based attenuation relationships for Iran”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, (2008) 28, 550-576.
M. J. Abedini, M. Nasseri, A. Ansari, “Cluster-based ordinary kriging of piezometric head in West Texas/New Mexico-Testing of Hypothesis”, J. Hydrology, accepted for publication.
A. Ansari, A. Noorzad, H. Zaferani, “Clustering Analysis of the Seismic Catalog of Iran”, Computers and Geosciences, (2009) 35(2) 403-408.
Zafarani, H., Noorzad, A., Bargi, KH., َAnsari, A. “Recursive evaluation of time convolution integrals in the spectral boundary integral method for mode III dynamic fracture problems” Computer and Geosciences,(2009) 35, 403-408.
Zafarani, H., Noorzad, A., Ansari, A., Bargi, KH., “Stochastic modeling of Iranian earthquakes and estimation of ground motion for future earthquakes in Greater Tehran”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 29 (2009) 722-741