The Van, Turkey Earthquake of 23 October 2011, Mw7.2: A Preliminary Report on the Reconnaissance Visit Preformed by IIEES Reconnaissance Team, November 17 to 21 2011
Please click here to view preliminary report.
Please click here to view preliminary report.
IIEES, Tehran, Iran
Reported at: 27 November 2011.
1. Introduction
After the earthquake of 23 October 2011, Mw7.3 in Van, eastern Turkey, the International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES) according to his Learning From Earthquakes continuing Program, reconnaissance team has formed a team to perform the reconnaissance visit and start the technical observation on the event. The event has occurred about 150km west of the Khoy, West Azarbayjan Province of NW Iran, and the event was felt as well in the cities of NW Iran. The earthquake caused more than 600 life losses, according to official reports, and extensive damages in the cities of Van and Ercis in the Van province and the villages between the Van and Ercis, specially those located in the north of Van suffered from mainshock and aftershocks, specially the aftershock of wednesday 9 November 2011 (mb5.6). The extensive damages in the first event, has been intensified by the aftershocks and mainly the event in 9 November 2011, known by the local inhabitants as the “2nd earthquake” (since it was greatest damaging event after the first event in 23 October).
2. Visit Plan
The Visit was planned to cover the geological, geotechnical features (surface fault/fissures, landslides and lateral speadings, and investigating the possible source site effect), and building damages, failures in lifelines and special structures, as well as the social aspects and disaster management.
3. field observations:
Performance of buildings
- RC buildings by 5-6 stories, among all other types, were suffered more damages.
- Some buildings damaged and destruction caused by the strokes of adjoining structures, buildings must be detached from each other by a gap. Minimum gap between two adjacent buildings did not been considered.
- The plan of the building should be simple in shape and be symmetrical along two orthogonal directions without much projection or setback. In addition, asymmetrical plan changes in the vertical configuration of buildings are to be avoided.
- Heavy cantilevers damaged.
- The dead load of the buildings was so much. Utilizing of high-strength structural materials by enough ductility and lightweight nonstructural materials to reduce the building weight is preferably recommended.
- The most important problem in damaged buildings was lack of ductility. Building and its components should be designed to assure the appropriate ductility.
- Mostly of buildings were those by moment resistance frame in that columns were failed. They should be designed such that vertical elements (columns) would fail later than beams.
- Non-structural members, especially internal walls and facades suffered lots of damages. These elements are to be constructed such that they would produce as little disturbances as possible for the movement of structural members at the time of earthquake.
- In basement floor of some buildings, there was short-column. Creating of short column especially in basement story shall be avoided.
- Staircases of some RC buildings damaged severely. It shows we have to attend to design against earthquake loads.
- A few buildings in Van City, e.g. Bairam Hotel, were collapsed in an aftershock by magnitude of 5.7.
4. Conclusion
The IIEES team has visited the during 5 full days the prone area of the Van earthquake of 23 October 2011, Mw7.2. The major points which have been focused by the IIEES team were surface fault ruptures, geotechnical failures and site effects, building and major facility collapses and disaster management. The major geological/geotechnical problems were directivity effects and soil amplifications, and major buildings which have been demolished are 4 to 6 stories. The debris of most of the demolished buildings in Van have been removed, but in Ercis, the debris of most of the demolished buildings have not been removed 1 month after the event and even the bad smell of death bodies (trapped under the debris) might be felt in different places in this city. The major causes of death casualties seems to be the strong shaking due to near field conditions to the source of this Mw7.2 earthquake, site conditions as well as construction deficiencies in 4 to 6 story building apartments.
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Помнится, тогда в саду ты сказала, что Уильям был предметом твоих девичьих грез.
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The production of estimated maps of shaking after an earthquake, such as ShakeMap (Wald et al. 1999), offers an important seismological tool to guide emergency response and loss estimation for public information through emergency response networks, the Internet, and the media.
Figure 1 shows a ShakeMap based on magnitude and epicenter. The data used to produce the ShakeMap are collected by nine strong motion records around the epicenter which have located in Iran and are improved with felt intensity data of 10 places. The PGA and PGV ShakeMaps generated by IIEES are shown in Figures 2 and 3.The average value and the corresponding letter grade is displayed on the bottom left of the uncertainty map (Figure 4).
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Даже одинаковые ""виды в двух разных реках не всегда абсолютно похожи друг на друга.
До меня долетали лишь отдельные слова.
Взбирайся на скамью и посмотри в окошко.
Заверни его, пожалуйста, в полотенце.
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Ну, я как раз собиралась закрывать.
The production of estimated maps of shaking after an earthquake, such as ShakeMap (Wald et al. 1999), offers an important seismological tool to guide emergency response and loss estimation for public information through emergency response networks, the Internet, and the media.
Figure 1 shows a ShakeMap based on magnitude and epicenter. The data used to produce the ShakeMap are collected by nine strong motion records around the epicenter which have located in Iran and are improved with felt intensity data of 10 places. The PGA and PGV ShakeMaps generated by IIEES are shown in Figures 2 and 3.The average value and the corresponding letter grade is displayed on the bottom left of the uncertainty map (Figure 4).
مولفه قائم لرزه نگاشتهای ثبت شده در شبکه ملی لرزه نگاری باند پهن پژوهشگاه از زمین لرزه 23/10/2011 وان (تابانلی) ترکیه
مولفه قائم داده های دریافتی از طریق نرم افزار Scream در شبکه ملی لرزه نگاری باند پهن پژوهشگاه از زمین لرزه 23/10/2011 وان (تابانلی) ترکیه
دکتر مهدی زارع
دانشیار زلزله شناسی مهندسی و معاون پژوهشی و فناوری
Без всяких указаний Иванович расположил своих людей около дома старика.
Ну, отвечайте же, или я выстрелю!
спросил я, выглядывая с веранды.
Где-то сзади мигнул диапроектор, и на экране появилось изображение обнаженный по пояс мускулистый человек, черные волосы стянуты на затылке резинкой, в руках базука.
Я полагаю, товарищ фельдмаршал, что Сан-Гаута бедная страна, а большинство американцев часы носят.
Скажите ему, чтобы не дергался, сказала Беатрис.
Я здесь, генерал, весело сказал он, и бой почти выигран.
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Я имею в виду твою жену Елену,-ответила Алекто.
Их мужчины неженки и не отличаются силой.
Не вижу смысла залезать в грязь, если можно рассмотреть его отсюда.
Город больше не имел сходства с тем, что он видел в первую ночь с вершины холма, когда его намерения были так отличны.