4th virtual seminar on “Spatial Statistics and Its Applications” was held on October 27-28, 2021 hosted by the International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES) with the cooperation of Tarbiat Modares University, the Iranian Statistical Society and support of 17 universities and research institutes.

According to Morteza Bastami, the IIEES faculty and webinar coordinator, 51 papers out of 60 submitted to the seminar were approved after being reviewed. 35 of these papers were presented in Persian and 16 in English. Also distinguished scholars from Australia, Canada, Iran, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States delivered six Keynote presentations. Dr. Bastami also stated that the use of statistically up-to-date technologies in other sciences plays an essential role in the promotion of scientific multidisciplinary cooperation. Spatial statistics may be used in a variety of fields including Earthquake Science and Engineering, Risk Management, Crisis Management, Atmospheric and Meteorological Sciences, Water Resources, Environment, Geology, Mining, Urban and Regional Planning, Urban Infrastructure, Traffic, Transportation, Remote Sensing, Health and Treatment, Epidemics, Social sciences, Oil and gas, Economics, and Insurance.

Five specialized sessions on the use of spatial statistics in earthquake and geology, water and environment, health and medicine, and social issues were held during this webinar. 19 papers were presented in the field of application of spatial statistics in earthquake and geology, 6 papers in health and medicine, and 15 papers in water, environment, and social sections. In addition to the papers in the applied session, the theoretical section of spatial statistics had 17 presentations. This webinar provided a unique opportunity for the academics, experts, governmental institutes, private sectors and other active organizations in related fields to present the results of their research findings and to exchange ideas. The Fourth Seminar on “Spatial Statistics and Its Applications” ended on Thursday afternoon, October 28, 2021.